Blogpost Week11

Art stuff!

This week, we started polishing our game. That means going over everything we have and trying to add little extras here and there that give the game a nicer feel. As for particles, small tweaks were made to the pickup effect. Now a little "POOF" cloud effect initiates the particle while the item spawns. The fan particle was slowed down a little, and some other minor changes were made.

Image from Gyazo

A new particle was made. Little dustclouds that pop up when a character runs around. 

Image from Gyazo

We are currently working on on another impact effect for when a character lands and a splashing particle when the character drowns. Apart from that, we worked on creating some UI elements such as scores/main menu

We also gathered some possible songs and sound effects to give the game a nicer feeling. The judge is still out on which one we're actually going to use. The background for the different levels were also finished. Here are the backgrounds for the disco level and the ice level so you can have an idea of how it's going to look. This will be better than a plain grey background


This week, we polished some our of features like bouncing objects, weapon behaviour and fix their previous bugs. Also, we added a ragdoll feature when u get hit by the disco ball. We are also working on score manager and adding UI to the game as well. Moreover, we added linear post-processing for our better lighting in our game. 


Build_Week08_GameProject.rar 22 MB
May 08, 2019

Get [Group13] Get Off My Lawn

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