Blogpost Week02


The Unreal, non-existing prototype

By this week we were supposed to have a unity and an unreal (with c++) prototype. Our programmers tried, they gave their best, but they failed. This failure is also the reason we choose Unity for our final game. The amount of references, tutorials and documentation for Unity is unreal.

The Unity prototypes

We got ourselves a nice rotating cube. On this cube our levels will spawn, when all players but one have fallen off the cube, we do some rotations, until a new level is on top and we spawn the characters and game objects.

Then we got a dynamic camera that zooms in and out depending on how close/far the player are to each other. The camera stops following players once they drop from the cube.

Then we got some actual game play. Three players, two controlled by an xbox controller and one by the keyboard, who can fight each other by hitting each other with a stick, by bumping into each other or by throwing stuff at each others head. We made multiple prototypes, and tried to combine them. We do not recommend this, it was quite a hassle. We had one prototype using the unity physics and one that was mainly based on animation curves. Both had there advantages, but you can't really combine it. Tomorrow we will decide which is the better solution.


As for the art-side of the project, most of the work was put into the artbible, which can now be found in the attachments of this devlog. Feel free to check it out! The artists mostly focused on getting to know Unity better, since previous experience was in Unreal for both of them.


A small particle test was made in Unity. The main goal was to create a particle that consisted of relatively easy elements to create as an introduction to the different workflow. The particle could eventually be used as a base for a pick-up effect. Spritesheets were tested out as well and a very basic fire particle was made. We noticed the particle system actually wasn't that big of a difference.

Simple particle to get used to Unity:
Some minor tweaks later with a mesh particle added:

Asset tests

The next step is creating assets that do justice to the style that was decided on in the artbible, and while it still has a lot of work texture-wise, we would like to present to you our fresh new character prototype!


Week02_Build 12 MB
Mar 06, 2019
Art_Bible_GetOffMyLawn.pdf 26 MB
Mar 06, 2019

Get [Group13] Get Off My Lawn

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